We offer solutions to
impossible situations
We produce simple learning material. Our talent consists in making complex matters accessible to all.
Our strong people experience has taught us how to simplify the content to its bare minimum in order to build an environment of trust and autonomy.
Condensing content in an engaging way. With little time and lots to explain videos are the most powerful way to cut through complex topics.
Explainer videos can be used to present your brand, company, products, course, trainings, services. Anywhere where a simple solution to a complicated process can be visually presented.
Getting the right message out in the right format is what we offer.
Portraying that need in a concise sensitive way to make your values tangible is what we offer.
We bring your idea to life. From a dream on the back of postit or a detailed business model, we give shape to your brand.
Explainer videos can be used to present your brand, company, products, course, trainings, services. Anywhere where a simple solution to a complicated process can be visually presented.
We design, create and install technology
We will express your humanity digitally. Coding and conceiving is our passion. Allowing your ideas to blossom and be is our vocation.
We design, create and install technology
Whether you are changing your digital signage network, designing your own frames, or creating a totally new way of communicating we are here to think with you.
Not only do we make your ideas come true, but we actually operate them on a daily basis.
We select the team, train them, manage salaries, holidays and make sure they become your very best collaborators.
8 chemin du Ruisseau
1256 Geneva
T. +41 22 548 17 77
Declix is a Geneva based tech company whos missions it to bridge the digital divide. We believe that creativity blossoms where technology meets humanity. Our richness is our difference. We speak over 10 languages, we come from different continents and countries, we are all multitasked and never shy away from hard work.